DIGI COMP Quarter uses a more flexible construction than Curv allowing developing players proper flex in the skate and added comfort. Comfort Edge collar puts a premium on comfort with a softer interaction between the top of the ankle and the boot PLAYER
BENEFIT: ease to flex boot helps players develop their stride and build good technique PRO STOCK COMFORT TONGUE for professional feel and performance LIGHTSPEED (LS) EDGE Holder – TRUSTED by over 80% of NHL players for a decade, the first of its kind holder to incorporate a quick release trigger for fast replacement of steel and service so you never miss a shift. The benchmark for holders on performance, durability, and ease of use.
PLAYER BENEFIT: reliable performance with the ease of replacing steel whether it’s between shifts or between sharpenings the LS Edge holder helps you keep the edge over the opposition.
LS Steel – increased steel quality and height allowing players a tighter turn radius and ability to profile and sharpen for a longer period